Friday, August 28, 2009

App Domain Switches and Solid Framework

It has come to our attention that there is an issue with Solid Framework finding its support files when 3rd party assemblies are being used. The problem manifests itself as "Cannot find framework.dll" exception.

To work around this issue your license call, or instance of the LicenseCollection Object should be placed at the very beginning of your application. This license call should happen before any other 3rd party assembly is called.

The 3rd party assemblies can change the App Domain and then the call to Solid Framework fails. It looks within the App Domain searching for its support resources and when it doesn’t find them it assumes they have already been extracted and tries to load them.

We have tracked this down with Oracle and other assemblies and fixed the bug. We should be releasing a new version of Solid Framework sometime in the next week.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Extracting Solid Framework support files.

Developers may need to extract the support files in Solid Framework for a couple of reasons.

  • To use the native C++ interface
  • Running scripts with SolidScript.exe
To facilitate this issue, we have uploaded a small console app that works with Solid Framework version 225 or greater here. Place the exe anywhere you like and run it with 2 parameters. The first parameter is the full path to Solid Framework.dll, and the second parameter is the path to where you want the extracted files to be placed.


ExtractFramework.exe "c:\development\Solid Framework\SoldFramework.dll" "d:\My Files\Framework"

This will extract the support files from SolidFramework.dll sitting in c:\development\Solid Framework to the location d:\My Files\Framework.

Note: We wrapped both paths with quotes on the command line because of spaces in the folder names. If your path has spaces, you should also use quotes.